Fundraising Ideas for your Club

As members return to training, parents are looking for quality kit at bargain prices and we can help! Leotards from just £10 and lots of optional extras, all profits are yours to keep.
What is a Sale and Return box?
We send you a selection of items with a price list. You can then sell items for a higher price and keep the profits!
What will be in my box?
The choice is yours! We can include leotards starting from £10, shorts, bags, t-shirts, hoodies and other sale items. Let us know what your members might like, and we will tailor a selection to suit.
What costs are involved?
Nothing in advance! We cover the cost of getting the items to you, you sell what you can and return anything else. We will then raise an invoice for the items sold, it’s as easy as that.
To raise funds for your club with our Sale and Return boxes, simply email us or give us a call on 01884 266226.
For other fundraising ideas, check out our recent email: